I have a quick 100 words you’ll wanna hear.

Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2017


Straight to the point.


It’s the only way to grow. The moment you decide you know everything and quit learning is the day you no longer need to be alive. Growing and learning is what humans are supposed to do. We’re supposed to share knowledge and receive insight. We are supposed to live as students of the world and not enough of us believe that. We need to make a change for the better and learn every single day of our lives.

The moment you stop learning, you are dead.

Yours Truly,

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Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words

Entrepreneur. Social Media Phanatic. Co-Founder of Frontline Business Group, LLC. Writer for The Ascent and 100 Naked Words.