IAdjusting to certain things you really can’t change

Odinakachukwu Ndukwe
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2020

There are certain things you can't avoid in this life and the earlier you accept it, the better.

I'm an introvert and as known, social interactions drain me. Not that I don't like socializing, I just like doing it in a small scale, maybe two, three people, tops five.

Social interactions simply exhausts me and even though I enjoy it most times, I can't help but feel drained. It's almost like I've gone through some intense moment and just need to recharge; be by myself.

The worst is when it involves lots of people (my definition of lots of people is more than 5). It's better if I know most of them but even at that, it's very intense for me and most times come with lots of anxiety (much worse if I don't know anyone).

Now we are in a world where we need to build relationships and socialize with people. I mean it's important for business, for growth, even for friendships and meaningful living.

As much as I'd like to avoid social interactions, I feel exhausted and would rather avoid it. It also reminds me of how weird I am and when I realize, I try to act 'normal' but then again, it's worse.

What can I do then? I have to find a way to manage the situation. I've been reading and trying to resolve deep issues I have. I've also been mirroring people and learning.

Recently, I've been so proud of myself because I've learned to relax and not overthink these things. I've learned to accept and own my weirdness in front of people. I've learned to be calm and not freak out. I've also learned how to handle social situations better and it's something I'm proud of.

So instead of avoiding the inevitable, adjust to it, make it better, learn, grow, live.



Odinakachukwu Ndukwe
100 Naked Words

Documenting my growth... Your words have life, use it wisely