Seasoned Millennial or Hack Fraud?

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2017
Photo Credit- Unsplash

Where you can’t even… I probably can.

I’m in my 30’s so I am old AF, as the kids would say.

It’s just there’s a bitterness that exudes from being lumped into the same category of people who worship YouTube celebrities and post a selfie every 2.5 hours. But then, I have an Instagram account and follow Red Letter Media religiously. Draw your own conclusions, which should be along the lines of me obviously having a bit more class in both of the areas I’ve verily slated.

You might call me a liberal, a feminist or SJW because I don’t entirely agree with the views of most middle-aged men (or women) in power. But I don’t think those particular teams would take me in either.

Unfortunately like most around my age, we get lumped in wherever is appropriate to agree or disagree with our outdated or foolish opinions. For our generation, we are both too old to be cool and too young to know how the world works.

Oh no! My Identity!

Am I then a seasoned millennial, or a hack fraud Generation X baby?

Allow me to answer this in a way that hopefully both sides of my generation gap will understand :

Frankly my dear, I DGAF.



100 Naked Words

Psychology Graduate interested in Personality Disorders / ASD . I love Science and Science Fiction, but I get most excited when they meet.