In the Mind’s Eye

Looking Differently.

Grant Andrew
100 Naked Words
1 min readJan 27, 2017


I moved, recently. The new place is humble in many ways. But it has amazing views. Not stunning views, stimulating views. From nearly every window, there’s a fascinating sight. Mountains, meadows, mesas. Deer, elk, rabbits. Even a cursory glance will pull you in, or out, more accurately.

Upon this stage, the sun plays. Light, in all her shades of beauty, dances. To all this fascination, she adds her majesty. I’m looking again. Not writing. Not working. Just staring. A crow glides over the snow-covered flats where the deer and elk crack the crust in search of nourishment. Across the landscape, the waves of the lighted dancer crest, crescendoing in endless variations of light glowing from a Western sunset.

At first I tried to take pictures.

I stopped.

Lenses don’t do this justice. There is no calculating a thousand shades of sky. Snow, juniper, clouds, and the ever changing glow from our closest star barely fit in a sentence, much less in a photograph.

It takes a mind’s eye to see this sort of detail.



Grant Andrew
100 Naked Words

Finding words, finding my way…I write songs and some other things too. Whatever it takes to keep myself hopeful.