It’s Been a Year

Angelina Bruno
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2016

My friend and I were in rare form on Saturday night. We hopped in an uber pool and terrified some poor boy from Missouri with our Gilmore paced banter and inquiries.

He’s only lived here a month and it seemed like the city has been a lot for him to take in. I barely remember my first month even though it was only a year ago. I know I missed home and I felt a bit overwhelmed, but besides failing-relationship drama, I was excited to be living in a new space for the first time.

I do remember sitting on a crowded uptown train and looking around at all of the people. I couldn’t help but grin. The city is so full of life. All you have to do is embrace it and have a sense of humor when things don’t go as planned. There’s always something new in store.

