Image: Claudia24

It’s Getting Hot In Here

Lisa Bonanno
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2016


Couple the recent news with a knowledge of history, and you have a recipe for overwhelm.

Follow that with introspection and quality reading, and you can whiff enough courage to crawl out of bed and into the shower.

Our cultural and political divisions are exposed down to the naked grassroots. We’ve inventoried our neighbors, family, coworkers. We’ve applied our labels. This is necessary in war. Make no mistake, the long-simmering melting pot is boiling over. We can’t savor our piquant stew together at the table.

It was peaceful while we enjoyed our unique American meal.

Now, after we’ve served it up, some people at the table question the ingredients. There is too much of this and the wrong kind of that and some of it must have been spoiled, and on and on.

People leave the table in disgust. They find their tribe. They choose their positions.

Words do matter. What do you write? Is it true? Is it kind? Is it helpful?

Constructive discourse is possible. Simple insight wrapped in compassion makes ugly truth easier to fix. Festooned in ALL CAPS with a dose of ridicule, ugly truth merely polarizes and isolates.

I’m staying out of the kitchen for a while. You can find me snuggled with my kids, reading and crooning and sharing. Getting warm and strong again.

We’ll all need it soon enough.

