It’s just like emptying the dishwasher

Dan O W
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2017
Photo courtesy of Ryan McGuire:

Exercise is good for us. We all know that. Its drummed into us in every way possible.

However, what if you don’t really like to exercise [insert me here].

Or you like exercise when you’re finished it, but the thought of getting off your bum and moving is like finger nails down a black board? Do kids these days even know what a black board is? Sorry, I digress — see I’m creating a diversion away from exercise!

This is where I find myelf today. I am out of the exercise habit. One cold, two sick kids and three weeks of intense working 18 hours a day, and exercise is like a long lost friend.

But all of that is finished. I can fit it in today. And yet here I am, writing about why I don’t want to do it. Sigh……(I literally sighed, which is why I put that in here).

OK I’M DOING IT! I’m hitting publish and then I’m working out. Perhaps I’ll start gently which isn’t so scary. I can commit to 10 mins, surely………its just like emptying the dishwasher. I can do it!



Dan O W
100 Naked Words

Mother, adventurer, business woman, writer (maybe?), is there a limit to what we can be?!?!