It’s OK to take a Break

Sharita Hyppolite
100 Naked Words
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2017

One of the books I’m reading now is Thrive by Arianna Huffington. I love this book because it uses her own personal struggles to illustrate a point I stress all the time. REST LEADS TO SUCCESS

Back in her Huffington Post days, Ms. Huffington almost killed herself. Seriously!! She explains it all in the book. And although I’d love to share with you how it all went down (I won’t cuz I want you to read the book), let’s just say that she found herself in a position where she had to re-evaluate what success meant to her and what she had to do to get it.


What is success to you? What does it look like? How do evaluate it? Does it have a cap?

In my ‘base’ business of real estate, most things have a beginning and an end. If my client wants to buy a house, we put in the offer, we negotiate to agree to terms, we inspect the house, we get the city to say that it’s safe to live in, the mortgage company gives the thumbs up and then we close.

That’s it. Success!!!

That’s my success as a Realtor simplified down to my client wanted the house and we got it. With my role as a real estate investor, it’s the same thing except I keep repeating it over and over again until I reach my goal set out in advance. As a real estate investor that goal is a financial goal that I set out early on. My attained goals are what I deem a success in my life. It is also the minimum mark that I need in order for me to sit back and take a breather. To Rest. In order for this to happen, goals must be set.

To break this point down further, let’s say we have a high goal set for ourselves. High goals are understandable especially when, we would expect more, over time, than in the beginning. For example, after 6 months at the gym, one would hope that they weren’t still lifting 5 lb weights. Chances are we’ve graduated to heavier pounds. The same can be said with our goals. After time, we can reasonably expect more out of ourselves. To get more than before, however, I believe it is essential that we rest from time to time, as I consider it the key to maximizing results.

A great example of Rest to Success would be American Pro sports. If I were to rank each sport by its physicality it would probably go as follows; Baseball, being the least strenuous, Basketball and Ice Hockey moderately vigorous and the NFL being the most physical of all. This is important because if you take the least strenuous sport, Baseball, and the most strenuous in Football and compare the amount of games played in a season then you’ll get my point. In MLB, they play 162 games in a season plus playoff games while in the NFL, they only play 16 games in a 17 week regular season schedule with teams getting a ‘bye’ week to rest. Can you imagine football players playing 162 games in a season!! Simply impossible, right?? It’s of course because football games are more strenuous than baseball games.

I say all this to point out that when games are played in the NFL, more rest is needed. And the more rest received, (Football players get a week off between games and two weeks during a bye), the more rejuvenated and productive the players are. The same can be said for us in our everyday lives.

More REST leads to More SUCCESS!!



Sharita Hyppolite
100 Naked Words

Writer, businesswoman, MoM. Being a MOMMA in the Gig Economy. Here to inspire, educate & uplift. Sharing my journey with all the hustling Momma’s (& Daddies).