It’s time to shine…

Colette McCarthy
100 Naked Words
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2016

It’s been a long year. The end of a hectic job, the daunting feeling of leaving everything behind to explore this incredible planet and then coming back to the battle of sticking to what my true self wants.

Life most certainly is about the journey and not the destination. Days that stand out when we were travelling, weren’t about the 7 hour trek to a summit or a tour around a gorgeous town. It’s the days of being held hostage in a room by the wind and rain, the tranquility of a town so small that an hour was all it gave for sightseeing then a coffee shop or your room was the only option as everything was closed. These days allowed a time that does not seem to be gifted in everyday life unless you knowingly grant it. These days I allowed myself to pick up a book I had pushed aside for years, time to pick up the laptop and write a blog post or time to just lie and think of absolutely nothing as you’d exhausted every other avenue of what you should be worried about. These were the days with the biggest impact and the most profound revelations.

Tim and I have very different emotional experiences of our travels, he is very balanced and fortunate to know himself very well. I on the other hand had been running from myself for most of my life and was now confronted with a decision to actively keep running or open my eyes and ears and pay attention.

Books helped with this, the euphoria moment was finally going back to The Power of Now and not only enjoying it but letting it sink in and then wanting more from it. More and more books followed, the learning curve should have been breath-taking but deep down none of this was new to me. My true self had had enough time to appear and I was just confirming what I knew all along but on a superficial level had been too afraid to accept.

It may just be my current surroundings but the world feels on the brink of a revolution. We are finally grasping how incredible our minds are and what we can achieve with them. It’s ok to think differently. You can be creative without being arty, you can work without being in an office, retirement doesn’t have to be a boundary if you don’t want it. You can keep reinventing yourself and developing yourself. Boundaries are coming down and individuals are standing up. This accountability, for the majority, isn’t for ego it’s for education. To show others that it’s good to be different, to think outside of the ‘box’, to try something new when all around you are saying you probably shouldn’t and it’s time to rest.

I read an article on Medium the other day and it argued how we shouldn’t do what we love but to

“Do what you have to give.”

What you have to give. What is already within you. Your gifts are not random, they are a blueprint for your destiny. There’s more to your life than just what you think will make you happy. Your real talents may not stroke your ego as much, but if you apply to them the kind of higher thinking that allows you to find the purpose within them, you will be able to get up every single day and work diligently. Not because you are stoking your senses and stroking your ego, but because you are using what you have.

You are doing what you came here to do.

I think so many of us fight this in order to do what is considered to be right but at some point your unhappiness will break you and if you allow yourself out of the other side, you’ll start to feel whole. By sharing your unique talents and start doing what you’re actually here to do. You know what you’re good at, it’s time to let other people know so you can empower them to let go too.



Colette McCarthy
100 Naked Words

Yoga loving runner fueled by coffee…slowly getting the confidence to be more vulnerable with words. Previous stories can be found on