Just a Thought

Samantha Wallen
100 Naked Words
1 min readAug 5, 2017


I think civilization

is just a thought

a lonely man had long ago

while sitting

cross legged by a river

the same thought

that comes in and takes me

out of my breathing body

while I’m sitting

cross legged on a cushion

this thought is an elaborate

beautiful aching dream where we create

modern structures to the gods

of what could be

and try to repair lost temples

of what has been

minutes, days, years go by

unaware until the bell rings

to mark the end of this

sit in the body

for those last few seconds

when the bell’s sound spreads

out toward infinity I am


here, now

with no thought

of being


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Samantha Wallen
100 Naked Words

Poet, writer, writing & book coach — Seeking to restore the soul of our world one word at a time…