Just Two Small Words

Beth Stormont
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readSep 8, 2017

. . . to express such gratitude!

Please know that
your kindness and generosity
Are beyond
the expression
of human words . . .
And so I have not written.

Also, please know that
the fruits of your
loving actions
— fruits of peace and joy
every day of my life —
Are beyond
all human bounds.

Please know that
this has been
the hardest thing
for me to write,
Because . . .

How can two
small words —
two of the most
importantly meaningful
words in the entire
human language —
Possibly express
what I have so
feebly attempted
to put forth here?

Anyway . . .
So be it . . . as it is . . .
Thank you!

This was first written in an actual ‘Thank You’ greeting card to a very special friend who deserves far more than what I have ‘put forth’ here. She gives accolades to people — in both her writing and actions — beautifully and naturally on a daily basis . . . while I make my truly ‘feeble attempts’ at expressing my gratitude in verbal utterances. I only hope that in this case my actions speak louder than my words!



Beth Stormont
100 Naked Words

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.