Letter #4: 100 subscribers! Thank you!

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
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2 min readMay 29, 2016

I’m so humbled that over 140 people on Medium have been impacted by 100 Naked Words. I only started it four weeks ago, so I’m thrilled.

My vision was to start a publication that allowed anyone to showcase their vulnerability to the world and use it to empower themselves. That people would also be interested in reading these stories every day is so rewarding.

You are what make it so great. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I hope you’re with me at 1,000, 10,000 and — dare I say it? — 100,000 subscribers. :)

Please make welcome…

The newest writers accepted into 100 Naked Words. Their stories will add even more depth to this publication. I hope you enjoy what they have to write!

By the way…

Here’s a link to an article I published on Friday: 10 signs you will make it big one day.” It’s received 450+ recommends in two days, so it seems to have struck a cord with readers here. Maybe you’ll like it too.

What would you like to see on 100 Naked Words? Comment this letter and I’ll make sure to read it. :)



Editor, 100 Naked Words

