Day 11: Life is fucking short

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2016

Go jump off a cliff

I haven’t written on medium in a while.

I haven’t read medium articles for a while.

Back then I read this article about Medium being evil and authors don’t matter and blah blah blah.

Something in that article resonated with me and I just stopped. It seemed like a huge waste of time. Not because I didn’t get much traffic, which wasn’t my primary goal anyway, I just cut this whole platform off my life.

It was like writing into a void, black hole that just sucks life outta you.

So I went off it, the reason being — to concentrate on my book and that kinda self-righteous talk.

But what I was really doing is: working, sleeping, eating, doing 101 words stories challenge in January, dating, trying to cut off the drama off my life and just living my miniscule unimportant semblence of a life.

Have you seen? Trees are blossoming!!!

Damnnnnnn I almost missed that

Is it really spring time already?

I wouldn’t have noticed but something/someone directed my nose to it.

April 3, 2016 8:55am

I’m more or less drama free and have only two “guys” in my life.

“Guys” being masculine humans I kinda dated and very soon humans who don’t exist for me.

I just have to never text G again and never respond to his texts and take my Swarovski necklace from D’s place; never to return again.

I gotta cut off all the crap out of my life and start living

focus on myself

love myself

and treat myself right

And as the theory goes, everything else will fall into place.

“se mettre en valeur” — “to make the most of yourself” (Sarah Turnbull “Almost French A new life in Paris”)

