Life is Full of Risk

Elise Welburn Martin
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2016

Sometimes I get up in the morning and life seems overwhelming. It only lasts for a few moments usually, because then I look outside and the sun is shining and that always makes me feel cheerful. As I work through my day, I do perform all kinds of actions that have risk involved. My biggest risk right now is being in the midst of the startup of my company. Its kind of scary to sit in this place where I have spent money, and am beginning to produce a revenue stream, but its at that trickle in phase.

I accepted the risk when I started this particular adventure, and I will see it through, but my biggest risk is still ahead of me. Its now time to start seriously networking. I am going to have to start attending breakfasts, and lunches for business owners to work on getting business. There is a business risk yes, but more than that is a personal risk. I am an extrovert, so I believe I will be fine, but there is always that little bit of something that says, what if they don’t like me? Life is full of risk though, so nothing ventured, nothing gained. Its an age old expression that happens to be true.

The image above is of the glass bridge that was recently opened in China. I have been following it in the news, and also the new glass walkway on the side of the mountain there too. It find their use of architecture using glass both beautiful and horrifying at the same time. Every person that walks on them assumes a certain risk. When you look at other images, and videos, people are having to be dragged over the bridge, or are crawling on their hands and knees across it. I completely relate! I am terrified of heights, and though I find it beautiful, you would never, NEVER, get me on them! My risk meter for that is pegged in the red.

I get up each day knowing there are risks involved with most everything I do. I accept the risks because that is part of living. It is part of enjoying life! I don’t just want to survive, I want to thrive. I want to live large, live free, and laugh a lot. We are surrounded by risk, but we are also surrounded by reward when accept the risk and embrace life!



Elise Welburn Martin
100 Naked Words

Writer, Photographer and Life-long Learner. I love exploring life, and writing about it. I write every day because it is part of my heart and soul.