Life’s Curveballs

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2017


I am not a fan of baseball……..the game or the damn curveballs life decides to pitch my way.

My husband and I were thrown one a couple of weeks ago. It hit us and it hit us hard.

It even knocked me down. Not my husband though. That man is the strongest man I’ve ever known.

Gazing up at my husband from home plate, I asked him: “Why doesn’t this stress you out? How will we fix this?”

Reaching for my hand, he pulled me in his arms and whispered,

“Stressing about it does nothing. Things will work out, they always do. Today, we’re good.”

He’s right, he’s always right. (Babe, if you’re reading this you might want to highlight that sentence, print out this post and hang it in the refrigerator. You’ve got it in writing now.)

We’ve been in worse places than we are now, and we will stand up, dust ourselves off figure a way out of this mess.

There is more than one inning in the game of life.

There will be another chance to take on the curve balls that are just waiting for their turn to hurl themselves at us.

And while we wait for them to cross home plate, we’ll pick up our lightsaber and practice our swing.

KatieMae is a writer and encourager. She lives in Washington state with her husband and their three dachshunds. You can find her on Twitter @Katiemaeonline, or her website . Her first children’s book is scheduled to be released summer of 2017.



100 Naked Words

A 60 plus empath who finally has most of her shit together. Navigating life trying to show grace, kindness, love and acceptance. But damn it’s hard some days!!