Like you

Ruth Goncalves
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2017

I don’t want to like anyone.

And when I say like, I mean romantically.

I wanted to be single but I always say that after another failed relationship.


I’m tired of it but it seems as though I have a pattern.

I need to break it.

It goes a little something like this:

Not long after a break up, I go through the normal grieving period (these tend to get shorter and shorter), then I get happy.

Happy to be alive, grateful for my amazing life and the abundance of all the good things in it.

I don’t get to enjoy the happy, single life for too long before, and this is without fail, someone comes a sniffing at my door.

Generally someone who I find attractive and that I would be stupid not to open said door and invite into my crib, so to speak.

The person this time, is someone who I thought was beautiful from the moment we met.

But beyond beautiful.

You know when the dorky kid in the movie moves in next to the bombshell chearleader and the first time they meet she has that angelic glow around her?

Yeah, that kinda thing.

I quickly dismissed the thought as I was with someone at the time and I thought she was way too good for the likes of me anyway.

Almost 2 years have passed since we first met and even though whenever we saw each other it was very superficial, small talk, that kind of thing…all of a sudden, she’s flirting with me.

Wait, am I reading this right?

I should really stop second guessing myself here, folks.

I do it every time, even though I turn out to be right, all of the time.

Long story short, we ended up going on a date which at the time, I wasn’t sure if it was a date or not.

Hanging out more and more, getting on like a house on fire and now….

Well now, I bloody like her, romantically.

I think about her too often.

I like it when I don’t have anyone to think about.

It’s more freeing.

Now I’m distracted a lot of the time.

I was going to give a percentage but I don’t want to seem like a psychopath.

Anyway, this is another complicated one.

No doubt ill share the rest at some point but for now, this is what you get.



Ruth Goncalves
100 Naked Words

Personal trainer that struggles with life just as much as the next person, trying to figure it all out. Hit me up