“Look at you: you have wasted your life on your phone. Do you know how much other people have already achieved?”

Shirley Lee
100 Naked Words
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2017

Thanks Mom.

I know I am wasting my time being on Facebook and listening to music, instead of doing any single thing that is on my goal list. But it is not really up to me.

I usually plan what I will do the next day.

Then during the assigned time, sometimes, I would feel tired. By “tired” I don’t mean an itch to procrastinate when you have a tiny fear over starting something new. By “tired” I mean I will do nothing else other than sleeping on the sofa, despite having 8 hours of sleep the day before.

While trying to stay awake and be productive, I sometimes read my Facebook feed. If you are not in the mood of working, at least finish the book you have been reading, or watch another episode of House of Cards, I would say to myself, at least finish something. But my finger would keep scrolling on. My head would keep aching.

All of the above happened during the day of this weekend. During night, I couldn’t sleep.

On Friday night, I stayed on Quora, Medium, and Facebook till 4am. Then I woke up at 12nn.

I spent Saturday night on these three platforms, then reading through an entire poetry book, until the sun was up.

I thought that if I went through the whole night without sleep, I must be able to sleep at Sunday night. But at 6am I passed out and I woke up at 1pm. I spent the whole day feeling shitty and I crashed on my sofa from 5pm to 8pm.

I woke up still feeling tired at the back of my head. So I read online articles on my phone again.

That’s when my mum spit out the title line.

I didn’t know how my mum did it: she also slept at 6am and woke up at 1pm. She functioned like a normal human being and handled all her housework today.

I didn’t know how my current colleague did it either: he spent the night preparing worksheets for our class till 3am. At 7am, he was already at school sharing his lesson plans with another teacher. He functioned like a great teacher while working with me that day and went to sleep only at 10pm that night.

It seems like other people’s default is to work. And mine is to feel tired and sleep.

Am I the only one who is like this? Is this default problematic? How will it ever be solved?


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