100 Naked Words — Day 63

Make a Habit out of Making a Habit

Reflections, Ripples and Ramblings of a Restless Mind

Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words


Photo Credit — Me! Lido di Camaiore, Tuscany

Habit is a strange thing.

It wakes some up in the morning, gets them to work every day. Let’s them do the same job hour after hour, week after week. It ensures that their meals are always just so, and their interactions predictable.

Habit in this context is mundane and to me, mind numbing. Routine is anathema, unexciting and noxious to creativity. I abhor it. It bores me to my core.

But, when I look at some of the most wonderful things in my life, they were created through habit. Built by habit. Needed habit to grow.

I read every chance I get, habit I created when I was young.

For the last few years I exercised almost every day. Knowing that if I broke this habit, I’d stop altogether. And that’s exactly what happened. Now I know I must build the habit anew.

I write every day, on paper and on the screen. I have created this habit out of necessity. A need to express myself in a way that I feel natural, that feels fluid.

And in developing this habit, I have been able to explore so much more of the voice inside me, in so many different ways that the routine is anything but routine. Every time I write, another petal unfolds, another layer is exposed.

Habit has been elevated out of monotony for me. Habit starts with small steps but leads to tremendous leaps.

Time, methinks, to start making a habit, out of making a habit.

About me: Citizen of the World. I love writing, photography, travelling, reading, learning and growing. Medium is another journey in my life, let’s see what sights we may see. Sign up below for my tips, tricks and reflections on startups, SMEs and scaleups everywhere.

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Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer