100 Naked Words — Day 22

Me and the Machine

Reflections, Ripples and Ramblings of a Restless Mind

Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words


Photo Credit — Me! Lido di Camaiore, Tuscany

Yesterday I attended a great event organised by Numitas and hosted at KPMG in London, the keynote speaker was Martina King, who amongst other things was MD of Yahoo! UK back in the day.

Martina engaged the room with ease and spoke around some of the opportunities that Machine Learning and AI are presenting to the world.

Her talk got me thinking, there are lots of opportunities and commercial applications for AI, we hear about how it will lead to a change in the sort of jobs that humans do (more qualitative and less transactional), we know that AI plays a mean game of Go and that driverless cars will reduce the number of incidents on the roads; but do we hear enough about the way Machine Learning and AI could create meaningful, transformational, lasting and impactful change in the world.

I thought about how we could see a future where education is completely personalised and adaptive to the student, where teachers can extend every students’ learning in the way the child needs it.

I thought about better crop rotation and the ability to improve yields through data analysis, I thought about a world where the poorest, most disenfranchised could access micro loans because they no longer needed traditional ‘credit histories’.

About a future where we could identify and take action against epidemics before they become epidemics

I thought about our world and our future and I couldn’t help but smile.

About me: Citizen of the World. I love writing, photography, travelling, reading, learning and growing. Medium is another journey in my life, let’s see what sights we may see. Sign up below for more of my Musings, or contact me here.

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Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer