Milestones Can Be Phenomenal for Progression

The first day of the second half of my 100 day challenge.

Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words


Day 51 out of 100

It’s a milestone. Originally, I had a plan to write an article for a day for a month and I passed that with flying colors. Now as I sit here in my hotel room I’m pondering different milestones I can set. I believe in setting goals that are realistic, and then jumping a little higher after each goal is reached. For example, money is tight right now. And by tight I mean I am checking my bank account just about everytime I need to buy a meal on the road.

Here’s what my line of goals looks like:

  1. Be able to buy a meal without checking my bank account.
  2. Be able to buy groceries without checking my bank account.
  3. Allow my loan payment to come out without checking my bank account.
  4. Allow my loan payment to increase without worrying about it drying up my funds.
  5. Be able to book a weekend getaway without checking my bank account.
  6. Finally, be able to pay loans/mortgage/life’s expenses without worrying about running out of funds.

It seems extremely simple but each milestone hit is a step in the right direction and it keeps me going. What’s your strategy?

Yours Truly,

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Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words

Entrepreneur. Social Media Phanatic. Co-Founder of Frontline Business Group, LLC. Writer for The Ascent and 100 Naked Words.