
100 Naked Words


Today I lost my second friend to suicide in a month. I don't have the right words to write about how devastated I am that she felt that this was the only way to be free of her burdens. I can just say that my heart is shattered and I wish it could have been any other way.

Depression is a bitch. I have battled clinical depression throughout my life, and it has been a battle filled with various types of therapy, coping strategies, good friends, unconditional love and support that has pulled me through, time and again.

I am so fortunate to have people around me who recognized my symptoms and helped me to realize that I am not alone, even if I knew they didn't truly understand. They were willing to just sit next to me and be, imperfectly, whatever I needed them to be.

If you are struggling, I will be that person for you. I will help you find the services you need, give you trophies when you make it out of bed, listen when silence is your song, and patiently be by your side.

Please know no matter how dark it gets, or how smothered you feel by the black clouds that are surrounding you, you are cared about and wanted and loved.

