movies are not real life, nor should they be fantasy

Kaung Shein
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readFeb 18, 2020
Photo by Natasha Brazil on Unsplash

A friend of mine today said he didn’t want to try speed dating because it wouldn’t be a good story to tell. Just like meeting someone on Tinder or any other online dating apps, speed dating doesn’t provide a good story, he said.

I was taken aback. In this day and age, meeting people in any way, except via dating apps, creates beautiful stories. And then I realized my personal bias against dating apps. Sure, my requirement for a good story was less stringent than my friend’s but why did I even have a requirement at all?

I think I have watched too many movies. Over the years, I have bought into the romanticization of romance. I have put rom coms on a pedestal, and worshipped them in hopes for experiencing one for myself. Every now and then, I have to remind myself that real life doesn’t have a director or a script behind the curtains.



Kaung Shein
100 Naked Words

One of my best friends said, “Life sucks and then you die.” We are all out here just trying to figure out how to die at a later time and make life suck less.