Nap time

Ruth Goncalves
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2017

Naps are the best.

I don’t know how I was able to survive the afternoon slump without a power nap to invigorate me for the rest of the day.

It’s true that I had full time work previously, where I had no option but zombie my way through that low blood sugar slump in the arvo.

I just can’t imagine my life without them now.

My office is my bedroom, which makes it so easy for me to just walk a couple of steps from my desk to my ultra comfortable bed.

It can also be dangerous.

When I’m not really feeling like working, to just quietly slink away onto my bringer of dreams.


Life is too short not to those things you love.

For me, naps are definitely one of them.



Ruth Goncalves
100 Naked Words

Personal trainer that struggles with life just as much as the next person, trying to figure it all out. Hit me up