onwe ịhụnanya (self-love)

Kimberly Daley
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2016

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? When you are asked to describe yourself, what do you say? How do you talk to yourself?

It’s quite easy to tear things down and wallow in a defeatist mentality. What takes real work, is building yourself and others up. It’s finding at least 5 good things to say to yourself in the mornings and MEAN it. It takes real work to cast ahead the harsh criticism and abuse we put ourselves through. It takes hard work to believe in who you are wholeheartedly and motivate yourself every morning.

I believe that self-love is very important, because we don’t have to seek out someone who can tell us what’s bad about us, so we have to be the person putting in reinforcement and keeping debilitating insecurities at bay. Of course, you’ll falter, doubt and slip back into those bad habits. We’re humans after all.

What makes you different, is recognizing that you have fallen and trying to pick yourself back up again.

