
B. Ahimbisibwe
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2016

Today was one of those days. Where you set a plan and begin to work it then midway, you’ve had so many things thrown at you that you loose focus. Then finally a respite which instead of using to catch up on what I was meant to do, I ……Let’s just say, the time could have been spent in better ways. Why do we get like that…. “Not you,” you say? So this only happens to me?

I hate playing catch up.

A few un-anticipated emergencies usually leave me feeling that the rest of my day over and done. But that’s just it, it usually isn’t. Usually the remaining time can be harnessed to accomplish that which I had originally planned to.

So now I get up from my pity party and stop indulging the voice that says, we’ll start again tomorrow. No! There are other plans for tomorrow besides it’s not guaranteed. Who knows what other emergencies will come up. I’ll repeat this to myself over and over again until it finally sinks in.

“Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”-Benjamin Franklin.

