Project 365: Day 118 — The Perks Of Being An Eternal Optimist

Sanika Tillway
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2016

“Sometimes, people deserve to have their faith rewarded.”

I’ve written about faith and my unshakeable belief in some things. I’ve found, time and again, that my faith has been rewarded, but the fruits of keeping faith in a situation when almost all your hopes have been dashed are the sweetest.

I feel that patience has a lot to do with keeping faith. If I let my patience, get ahead of myself, I sometimes screw up and overestimate the situation. Sometimes, I underestimate it, but on most days, I’ve found that being hopeful, staying positive has resulted in days when I’ve ended up feeling fortunate and blessed at being in a good place. On days when faith betrays me, I tell myself that now is not the time, that it will come another time, when I truly deserve it.

Very few times in my life have I felt short-changed or cheated. Blame it on the fact that I don’t expect things to turn out as well as they usually do, so I’m pleasantly surprised most of the time. My current job, for instance, is something I had made up my mind, I’d say no to before I went for the interview. It was pure luck that I landed the interview but I think one of the only reasons I took the big risk with choosing this job is that I appreciated how forthright my now boss was back then. I’ve always appreciated candour in a professional setting because that really builds trust.

Some of the people I work with currently, former colleagues in a previous place of employment, trust me, as I trust them to do something for me, because we’ve established that kind of rapport — of trust, of mutual respect and most importantly, of the willingness to help each other out. We’re all humans here, we all need help.

Ultimately, as Alfred said in The Dark Knight Rises, ‘We deserve to have our faith rewarded.’ I feel happiest when something like that happens and I usually have a quiet smile on my lips when it does. It is one of the most underrated feelings around.

Thanks for reading!



Sanika Tillway
100 Naked Words

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