Project 365: Day 174 — A Happy Diwali

Sanika Tillway
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

Diwali is here and on the most important festive days of the year, I want to be granted a few wishes. Here they are, in no particular order:

1) Greater consciousness, for myself and others:

Only by being self-aware can we become better people. Otherwise, it’s just action (or inaction) however you operate, driving people. Self-awareness leads to greater happiness at some point.

2) Strength

God knows we all need it to get through the worst times. All we can do is believe that we’ll tide over it. I always believe that the worst is over. A bad situation rarely ever gets worse than it already is.

3) A quiet, safe Diwali for our four-legged friends

I tend to care a lot more about animals than for most people. Thanks to the crackers and general noise pollution levels, this is not a great time for them. I’ve seen cats cowering under cars, dogs being terribly stricken by the noise. I wish people showed some sensitivity than waste money over something as stupid as crackers that not only impact the already terrible quality of Bombay air, but also affect our friends that aren’t able to articulate their fears to humans. Given how we see terrible videos of animals being mistreated lately, I doubt the situation would be any different if they could speak. This fifty rupees only fine thing needs to end. Animal abusers probably need to be thrown off roofs too, the way that poor dog in the video was. A prayer from me to the universe to keep these animals safe from harm, fear and panic.

4) Happiness

Albus Dumbledore said, “Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light.”

I hope the festive season can give us all happiness, whatever our version of it may be. Perhaps happiness is simply celebrating your own life by enjoying some quiet time, with the added bonus of having a book at hand.

That’s it for today. Wish all of you a very very Happy Diwali! May the light be with you.



Sanika Tillway
100 Naked Words

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