
Alicia Mejia
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 24, 2016

On days that I just don’t feel like it. Anything. Everything. The smallest distractions a welcome focal point. A crack in the sidewalk fascinating. The break in a cuff requires a full study. Strangers’ conversation an opportunity for unnecessary character study. A soundproof chamber would simply mute the distraction. A darkened room would simply welcome sleep. A racing heart. Raindrops tracing down a window. Seven cups of coffee in exchange for borrowed space in an anonymous chair. The backdrop for someone else’s day. The woman in the window. The thoughtful glance. The friendly smile. Present, yet not producing. Wednesday.



Alicia Mejia
100 Naked Words

Life's mission: Raise the vibration of love on the planet, one day at a time: 🌎🌍🌏❤️📖.