Stop racing with time, start living it

A constant battle with time

Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words
2 min readJul 28, 2017


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Even after reading numerous articles about how to effectively manage time, I have miserably failed to achieve time management skills. I tried my best but somehow there is never enough time.

I am doing practically everything that everyone talks about. I do not watch TV. I read on my daily commute. I have cut down on my mobile usage. I have made ‘internet-zones’ for myself and apart from that my mobile data is switched off. I have restricted unimportant calls and pushed all of them to early morning or late evenings. Not that I am fond of shopping, but I have cut down on buying even the necessary items. But somehow, I still don’t get any time for myself. My weekdays and my weekends are equally busy.

I am battling with more time, less shitty work and more productivity. The only things left now is- getting up early in the morning and devoting time to mindful work. I want to devote that time to exercise or yoga. But that seems like a distant dream.

Meanwhile, I have realized that there is no point fighting with time. For some, it works. And it needs a lot of discipline. You have to train your body for it. As for me, I need to work harder. And I have to start living in the moment, rather than always running with time.

This post is a part of challenge that I took. I will be writing 100 words everyday for 100 days. Day sixty six is here. Thank you for reading.



Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words

Storyteller @Quovantis, BookFairy @booksontheMetro. Merry Giggler. Reader and Writer. I share my experiences and experiments on Instagram @shrutibookfairysharma