
post: eight

James Kenichi
100 Naked Words
2 min readAug 31, 2017


My two older boys, Koby and Lincoln, ages 8 and 6, share a room. When they have been well-behaved and get to bed a little earlier than their typical bedtime, I will tell them a story that I usually make up on the spot.

One story was about a little boy on an adventure through a dark forest, another was about a girl learning she could become whatever she wanted, and one was even about cloud monsters eating kids’ imaginations, weird, I know.

I am not great at making up these stories on the spot, but my boys seem to love them.

I love storytelling, both made-up and not. But my true passion is for real, personal life stories.

Not too long ago, after making up a story for my kids, Koby told me, “Dad, you are awesome at telling us stories. You should write them and make a book!”

Well Koby, I am not half as talented as you think I am, and it’s not a book, but here it is, some stories from my life and hopefully a bunch from other passionate and more talented storytellers.

Thanks for believing in me :)

This is post eight of my daily writing journey on 100 Naked Words. View my previous posts here: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

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You can follow me on Twitter at @iamjameskenichi.

