That guy at the tire place was awesome.

Sexy Hermit
100 Naked Words
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2016


Not Josh.

I am a consumer. As much as I’d like not to be, I am. In this case I was a proxy but I nevertheless benefit from the action. I bought tires for my girlfriends car yesterday. Her car is the go to in our family. It has the child seat and gets the best gas mileage. Its big and comfortable as opposed to my tiny go kart roller skate of a Scion Xa. I love my go kart but it’s just not the “family car.” So her car gets bad tires sooner than my car.

The guy serving me was awesome. Discount Tire in Lansing, MI on Pennsylvania St. His name was Josh, so said his coat. He has given me a glimmer of hope for humanity. A twinkling flame of concern over profit. I hope he keeps his job if this gets out.

We had been trying to get in for tires for a couple of days but the place was always packed. No appointments for tires it seems. We had to walk away from a potential four hour wait, two days in a row. Michigan roads let you know quickly when you gotta get some new tires. We were in need. Holiday travel plans do not wait.

I went in early yesterday morning after driving my girlfriend, Brooke, to work. I got to Discount Tire at 7:45 am. The place opened at 8 am. I already saw a few people keeping watch and staying warm in their cars. I had visions of Black Friday carnage in my mind already. I avoid humanity like the plague on that day in particular. I want the best from my fellows but I always prepare for the worst. I half wondered if I’d have to punch anyone to keep my place in line.

Around 7:50 am a man got out of his Caddy SUV. He was old. He had a cane. He was the first to brave the cold and “black friday” it by the still locked door. I was waiting for “the first.” First of anything is great but so can second be. In this case, second gave me Josh and it may have made all the difference. In the moment though, it just meant that much more contentment in the warmth of my girlfriend’s car. Soon after me, the two of us at the door became nearly twenty. All waiting for tires on a very cold Friday Michigan morning.

It was 16 degrees F and a bit windy. I was ready for it for once. My whole life living in the frozen north of MI and I still often manage to underdress. Not today though. Hat, boots, heavy coat, scarf. Warm pockets as I did forget my gloves. Not like it was a sledding expedition. “I can survive,” I thought.

The door opened right at 8 am. There was no carnage, pushing or punching. Just an orderly entrance to the vast waiting area. Cane man got served by one worker. Another appeared at another register. Josh. My soon to be knight in shining black nylon; his heavy coat and hat needed for working in a garage that futilely attempted to stay warm enough to work.

I came in with $400 cash. I certainly needed at least one tire. I was hoping to get the front two. Josh took my info and took a look at the car. He came back concerned. The prognosis was dire. All the tires were on the verge of disintegration and/or explosion at any moment. On a scale of one to ten, ten being new, we were at best a two ish.

As much as I want new all around, I persisted in saying two tires were all I could afford today with what he offered. He left again looking for anything he may have had used. No dice. The car has the rare 18 inch wheels as opposed to 17 inch.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he just decided to throw in the back tires FOR FREE. Brand new. $350 in total. Wow. He kept saying he did not want me hitting the road on what I had.

I sat and waited, questioning in my mind if that really just happened? Am I going to get the car and see that the two old tires are still on there? This is crazy good service. Like millionth customer in 1950 good service. I sat dubious until I got the car back and saw it with my own two eyes. New tires all around. And good ones. The guy that drove the car up seemed sincerely impressed.

Speaking of 1950s marketing though, was this a “white man thing” too I wondered? We were both white. I’m a lot more aware of the privilege of my “birth right” these days. I don’t know. I never will. Lansing is really a melting pot. I can only hope that everyone, regardless of facial conditions, gets deals when employees are made autonomous to do so.

Thank you, Josh and Discount Tire. Me and my family thank you very much.

When we all do things as acts of prevention, especially to the tune of $395.95 at the end of my deal with Sir Josh, we always wonder if we really needed to do it. In this case we did need to do it. We did not have the ready means to blow $800 for tires all the way around though. We could have but, there again, is the guilt of spending money/credit on prevention. Sometimes it just needs to be done though. Weighing the regret of potentialities is a sliding scale based on the economics of the moment. Josh tipped the scale in the direction of providence. Thank you again, Josh.

Josh made it easy to defuse the ticking time bomb of bad treads this day. I don’t know if he can do the same for you but we are thankful that he did for us. We will now drive with peace of mind. The only anxiety on the road now is other drivers playing the same game of pocketbook vs providence.

And finally, if you liked this, then please heart and share it. Or even better, pay me. I need to make a living at this “writing thing” someday soon. Thanks.



Sexy Hermit
100 Naked Words

It's about to get weird in here. UPDATE: Good weird. Not the JDV kind.