The cheapest diet advice you’ll ever get.

It's not about nutrition. It's physics.

Sexy Hermit
Science Political


Energy = The mass of your ass times the speed of how light you are, and maybe you should square dance more.

I’ve been lucky, so it seems. I’ve always been “thin.” I listen to my body and react accordingly. So, I’ve never understood how people have such a hard time getting their fitness right.

I’m not a doctor. Don’t do anything I say without talking to a doctor first. All I can say is this has worked for me and I do love science.

But, it’s not rocket science. It’s extremely fundamental.

Eat less. Move more. That’s really it. That’s all I’ve ever done.

But if people need some “science” as a catalyst to change their horrible lifestyles, here’s some science. A fundamental property of nature that has served me very well.

The law of conservation of energy.

You’ll never get more energy out than you put in. In the case of bodies, if you put in energy, i.e. ice cream and cookies, and there is no work for the energy to do, it is stored. It becomes fat.

Eating and not moving, turns you into a big blubbery rechargeable battery.

Move and the energy is expended instead of stored as fat.

The battery is drained.

