The day I jumped into the ocean

Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2017


I am a non-swimmer. I do not fear water, nor death. I always wanted to learn swimming which according to me is a life skill that everyone should learn. But like many other things, I was devoid of this skill.

I quietly accepted.

I firmly believe that things start to fall in place when they are destined to.

So on my first international trip, I went to this beautiful country which is famous for its-yes you guessed it right-beaches!

The place is famous for snorkeling and deep water sea diving. The white sandy beaches, the azure sky mingling with the crystal clear water of the ocean- nothing could scare me.

So I jumped into the sea.

With a life jacket and a snorkel to keep me alive.

We swam at a little corner of a cliff which was perfectly safe for any non-swimmer. But not me. I fluttered. I screamed. For my life. The moment land slipped out of my feet, I lost my sanity. The depth of the ocean scared me. The rush of waves frightened me.

You would think this is what girls do, make drama out of everything.

I couldn’t do it. I had jumped with the thought that even if I drown, there are people who will drag me out of it.

And yet, the fear still stays. I hope to overcome it some day.

What’s your story?

I do not ask this just for making conversation. I wish to learn from other people’s experiences. How did you feel when you jumped into the ocean? And how did you overcome it?

I know practice can make my fear vanish. I just need to be more persistent and more confident. But I really think something is missing.

This post is a part of challenge that I took. I will be writing 100 words everyday for 100 days. Day ten is here. Thank you for reading.



Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words

Storyteller @Quovantis, BookFairy @booksontheMetro. Merry Giggler. Reader and Writer. I share my experiences and experiments on Instagram @shrutibookfairysharma