Day 10: The end of April fairy-tale

100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2016

G (he has to be incognito) sent me photos from Tirol and I wished I was there for at least a second to experience the heavy snowing Cinderella tale. Though maybe more like some “mountain man” tale.

Anyway, even though I was annoyed by him in so many ways I didn’t bother or wanted to count, I loved the snow on his car and his discontent about it pissed me off. A man who can always find a reason to bitch about the world not being under his feet.

I hadn’t even thought about it…

But a couple hours later when I was lying on my bed and binge-watching “Awkward” on my Mac I saw something amazing through the glass doors to my balcony

It was snowing

I wasn’t in a fairy-tale Austrian land of Tirol or my fav Salzburg, but the smile appeared on my face.

The grass was green and on the evening no one could even tell that it was snowing on that very same day. But I knew. I saw it, I experienced it on my face and that cold rushing through my bones saved me and inspired me once again. The drizzle was unseasonable, but it could never be ill-timed as far as I was concerned.

Perhaps the weather was helping me

Deal with myself, once again

Trying to improve


clean up all the mess from my metaphorically closeted soul

pick up the pieces I had no idea existed

and maybe

start over

with something better

something I wished for forever


