The High Line

The public garden in Manhattan that steals my soul on a semi-annual basis.

John Markowski
100 Naked Words
2 min readOct 18, 2016


The High Line in New York City is my favorite place on earth.

F Mickey and that overrated canyon out west. This is my people.

The High Line is a public garden smack dab in the middle of Manhattan sited on an abandoned elevated railway.

It offers panoramic views of the ultra urban city streets of Manhattan through the lens of plants that not only frame the views but soften those harsh city lines.

I realized after yet another visit this past summer that it offers me the best of both of my preferred worlds. The joy that is the insanity of NYC mashed up with native plants that grow in my own rural garden in New Jersey. The High Line is urban and country with not even a hint of suburbia.

How I like it.

I know this is my place.

I knew it the first time I entered via 14th street.

Some day I’ll be employed here in some capacity.

When you know, you know.



John Markowski
100 Naked Words

Author of "Seed, Grow, Love, Write", available on Amazon now. Blog as "The Obsessive Neurotic Gardener". Write on Medium about whatever floats me boat.