The Only way you can grow

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2017

We love to do things when we are inspired.
We love doing things we love to do.
Nobody has to force us to eat. It doesn’t take a motivational podcast to put us in the mood for a good gastronomical feast.

When it comes to growth however, I have found that, and many agree, the perfect combination for growth is doing the right thing when you are not in the right mood.
When you really don’t feel like doing anything. When you feel uninspired, yet you still pick up your pen and annoyingly stare at a blank page.
When the guitarist strums a few meaningless chords waiting for inspiration to strike. When the body lifter can feel his remaining strength drift away like blown dust.

When we are in a “I don’t feel like it” mood, that’s when we have unintentionally created the propitious environment for creativity to thrive and growth to take place.
For a muscle to grow stronger, its strength needs to face resistance. When strength meets resistance, growth consequently follows.

Many have made the mistake of waiting to be in the right mood, or to feel inspired before doing anything.
Inspiration is a state of flow. Before you get into that state, you must use the “resistance” of your “mood” to your advantage and grind until you hit a channel, the right frequency.

From now on, whenever you don’t feel like doing it, remember Nike's motto : just do it.



100 Naked Words

JP (Jean Pouabou). Writting my first book | Aspiring to inspire people to pursue their purpose.