The Rescue

Man Saves Wife and Family Dog

Gail Boenning
100 Naked Words
3 min readJun 23, 2017


A story addition told from the dog’s point of view. The story started here.

Phew! Thank goodness Takes Me Hunting showed up to save us. When My Favorite Human(aka — mom) saw our favorite truck approaching on the other side of the tracks, she opened her door, got out, and ran to the mostly open space where the train cars were coupled together. She was yelling, “You came to save us??!!”

Operation extraction began. (I like to use big words sometimes. You got a problem with that?)

We had to leave new, smells too clean truck behind in the marsh parking lot. Good riddance! I don’t like the new truck — too clean, stiff seats and chemical smells — yuck.

Favorite Human made me hop down from the backseat. I was slow even though she was excitedly repeating “C’mon girl! Let’s go. C’mon.”

Sometimes I won’t move until she bribes me with a treat. I’m old — and sore. I could tell a treat was not forthcoming and so I tentatively stepped from the seat to the floor, pausing before the big jump down onto the rocky ground. I’m not sure, but I think humans call it gravel.

Favorite Human clipped on my leash and we walked up to the train. “Hmmm, what now?” I wondered.

Takes Me Hunting was calling me to come — under the train. This was new. I thought I wasn’t supposed to go anywhere near the train, but I am supposed to do what he asks. What to do?

The end of my leash was passed under the metal coupling from Favorite Person to Takes Me Hunting. I reluctantly started forward, nimbly lifting each paw over the rails while I slid under the metal train parts. I was being encouraged from both my people to speed it along.

“Oh no! Why didn’t mom come? Woof — woof — come!” I called.

She listened.

Good girl.

It’s a good thing she’s not as big as Plays Ball With Me because she wouldn’t have made it under the train coupling to the other side of the tracks. I don’t know what happened to my boy. He used to be smaller than Favorite Person and now he’s bigger than Takes Me Hunting.

Favorite Person was happy to be on the other side. I could smell it. That made me happy, too.

I’m not sure what the words all meant, but this is what I heard on the drive home:

Favorite Person: Thanks for coming. I didn’t know how long we’d be there! I suspect something is wrong with the train. It’s been two and a half hours since we finished our walk. It’s hot — and the flies. We could have died!

Takes Me Hunting: Maybe you should put a phone charger in the truck? Good thing you got a text off to Nathaniel (Plays Ball With Me) before your phone battery died. When I stopped home, he told me that you had texted that you were shut in by a train. He said that if you weren’t home by the time he finished lunch, he was going to take a ride over here.

Favorite Person: When he was finished with lunch???? That’s my boy — all concern. Did I mention we could have died — heat stroke, fly bites, hunger!! I didn’t ask him to come in the text. I wrongly assumed the train would move along like it always has in the past. My mistake.

I dozed off for a minute — dreamt about tennis balls, and woke up when the truck stopped.

And now? I’m just glad to be home on the cool floor.

I don’t know what all the fuss was about.

After another nap, Plays Ball With Me drove me and Favorite Person back to the marsh. The train was gone. We drove right up to new truck. Favorite Person got out leaving me with Plays Ball With Me. I didn’t even beg to get out and walk. Favorite person was right, it’s hot.

I watched through the back window as she pulled up our driveway in new truck. When we parked, Plays Ball With Me asked, “Want to play baseball girl?”

“Baseball? Yes! Yes, yes, yes! No need for you to bribe me with a treat. I’m getting down. Don’t start without me!”

You can read about my love of America’s Favorite Pastime here.

Hey Mal — What does a dog have to do to get her own profile around here? And Stuart, thanks again for the idea to use fun names for my people.

