The Tax Tumult

To be or not to be

Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words
1 min readJul 12, 2017


After GST (Goods & Services tax) came into implementation, I have read numerous articles on how this tax is bad (or good).

And just by chance, I stumbled across a petition filed on about removing tax on sanitary napkins.

The campaign is aptly named- Don’t tax my period. And to my surprise, condoms are tax-free. I wonder sometimes, do policy makers ever reason with their choices? Do they think rationally (which I like to think they do), how is it that they always miss to see the obvious?

Or do they wait for a ‘rebellion’? Do they wait for the citizens to respond to the obnoxious decisions? I checked it further and I found out that other countries like UK and Canada had already faced this.

Such a sad state of affairs!

This post is a part of challenge that I took. I will be writing 100 words everyday for 100 days. Day sixty two is here. Thank you for reading.



Shruti Sharma
100 Naked Words

Storyteller @Quovantis, BookFairy @booksontheMetro. Merry Giggler. Reader and Writer. I share my experiences and experiments on Instagram @shrutibookfairysharma