The to-do list

Virginia Savage
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readMay 1, 2017


Put up a curtain
Hang another
Craft a closet, fix a door
Pain the room, but nothing too bright
A calm, warm white

Check this box,
Cross another
Send the email but not the other
(Too much there to uncover)

Wash forty-one dishes, scrape them all first
Then take out the trash
Pay seven bills, and only one’s past
Traffic school, PowerPoint, plaster holes to be filled
Not to mention the shed in the back to be killed

So many boards to take down and move over
Into a fence that might never get built
(if I’m perfectly honest about all of this guilt)

Make divorce appointments and don’t forget blood work
Oh, and your career! There’s so much to plan
Make sure to text friends, too. Maintenance spam.

Self-care, childcare, charity work
Weeding, darning, personal branding

Forget it. I think I’ll drink whisky instead

