The Women’s Center

Gail Boenning
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 23, 2016

Today I am working on adding value. I have been invited to attend a board meeting of the organization in my local area that helps battered women and children.

I am fortunate to have no experience in this area.

Through a friend who works at them United Way, I was connected with the president of the board. She is a beautiful and strong person who gives a lot of herself to the community. She invited me to a luncheon at which Nicole Brown Simpson’s sister, Tanya, spoke. It raised my awareness as to how prevalent domestic violence is and how skilled the victims are at hiding it. This is real life and not a made for TV movie.

A local victim, Terri Jendusa Nicolai also spoke. Her husband thought he had killed her and placed her in a storage locker. She was found alive, but half frozen. She lost all of her toes to frostbite. Her speech was very powerful.

It is my understanding that the Women’s Center offers shelter, counseling, legal support, employment counseling and more services that I do not know.

I will be interested to see how I might be able to add value.

