The Writing Mind: the power of a thought

Deanne Michelle Welsh
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2017

A single thought can change the trajectory of your life.

This is why I write. The power of words penned on paper.

When I write, I think and I question the thoughts creating ruts in the plains of my mind. I hold them up to the light, clothe them in words and then

DECIDE if they are worth keeping.

The negative thoughts, as I call them Dragons… I would never speak to a friend this way, so why do I allow these thoughts to run rampant in my mind, “You don’t know what you’re doing. You will never be published. Why do you even try…”

These toxic thoughts need to be examined and tossed out daily. Like cockroaches coming out at night, they return to feed on the vulnerability and fears of my soul.

This is why I write every day. My mind needs a cleaning every morning. A fresh start at the beginning of each day…

What cockroaches will you chase away today?

I’m going LIVE about Mindset in my Private Facebook Group on Thursday and would love for you to join us, Unstoppable Writers.

