There’s so much more in the world than boys

100 Naked Words
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2017

It’s about time, girl. It’s about time you let it go, however it pains you.

Because I know, staying would destroy you

Because we all know, staying already took a toll on you

Because staying would be taking your tenacious heart and throwing it to the first stray dog you can find.

You have to feel the initial awkwardness and inability to be alone in a room and alone on Whatsapp waiting for no one to reply, because he’s not there anymore.

It’s done, it’s over

You have to feel that heartbreak when he let you down, when he damaged and destroyed you with his actions once again

Because on the other side there is a much happier version of this scattered and burdened soul

You can’t breathe and you hang on the phone, holding on to the last thread, to the last hope that maybe it’ll all turn around and he will become someone else

But who are you kidding?

You’ve been doing this for a while now, you know how it is and you know how it ends.

At least this time you came to the point when you are drained out of any emotions and feelings towards him and that drain, that hole in your heart isn’t even from loving him so hard, it is from holding onto things that didn’t exist.

Hadn’t existed for a while.

The excruciating tightness in your chest isn’t because he didn’t love you or cared for you

It is because you could never love yourself enough and you questioned the world why it was all happening to you, why do men think they can treat me like that?

I will tell you why

Because you have to wake up and see the truth, you have to look at yourself and recognize the pathetic and miserable mess you are, because I know this is how you perceive yourself.

But God created your beautiful, kind and caring heart, he doesn’t want you to be this unhappy, he wants a blue-eyed angel to strive and be perfect exactly the way she is, he wants her to learn how to love herself

You know all too well that in order to mend yourself, you have to break yourself first; you have to take out all the thorns from your flower bed because you are good enough.

But unless you learn how to be good to yourself and be with yourself in all that way too terrifying singledom, you will keep repeating the pattern and keep installing Tinder again and again, because being alone and lonely simultaneously is scary

Scarier than the stupidity of boys online

They are all merely boys and you know it, when you open your App Store and search for some entertainment.

And you know that all those boys aren’t even half the man he is

But then again, what good man would treat his woman like that?

I get your part. You’re young, adventurous, a smidge insane

You went for it, because he was like no one else, or so it seemed at the moment

The questions will hang in the air because he doesn’t matter no more.

Because you are going to focus on your life, your hopes and dreams and you’re going to do great.

Take your time and resolve yourself, solve your issues, step into the light and show your face to the world, show everybody what you can do.

You are a strong individual, you are passionate and your depth knows no boundaries. You will do great. You will chase your dreams, you will laugh and cry, explore the world, you will dream all those mind-boggling dreams of yours and you will achieve everything you set your mind to, because you know you can and I know it too.

You should get accustomed to the idea of you being exceptional and deserving the best. You are your own creator. Do not let the past or him dictate the rest of your life.


And then someday will come and you’ll meet someone as flawed and as passionate as you are and maybe then you’ll understand what all the heartbreak was for.

Maybe this journey would be worth it.

He wasn’t “the one” and it’s ok, he’s a decent, compassionate, good man.

Just not yours.

He is someone else’s and you took him and you wanted to change him, you wanted his love and affection, you wanted someone else’s destiny.

Now go do you and your destiny won’t make you wait ♥

Thank you for reading

And don’t forget to recommend ♥


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