Things to do before 6am

If you want to be successful, you apparently need to power up.

100 Naked Words
2 min readAug 8, 2017


Do you ever find yourself waking up to an alarm you hate, pressing snooze on that bad boy and wondering how you’re going to get through the day?

Great, me too.

Now we can wax lyrical about the human condition until our throats or fingers bleed. But you already know what to do. So many self-help blogs by entrepreneurs and the like have told you time and again that the early risers are also the successful, the rich and the happy.

And while I admit that some people can get up in the morning, get shit done and head to work with a smile on their face, we’re not all like that. Thank the maker for variety, otherwise we would all be boring.

So what do you really need to do before 6am? Here’s my two-penneth:

Prep the Night Before

Whatever you have planned for tomorrow, who doesn’t feel better knowing the dishes are washed, your clothes are ready and you know what your tasks are? Plan it out, wind down before bed and you won’t have all that on your mind throughout the night.

Get Some Sleep

For feck’s sake, get some sleep. Without sleep you are stupid. You will make more mistakes. You might even kill someone. That person might be yourself.

Don’t get up at 6 am to hustle if your bedtime is usually after midnight. Don’t go to bed at 10 pm if you sleep in until midday. Find a balance.

Working 24/7 is not the only successful lifestyle.

If work is everything to you, go ahead. If you have stuff outside of work that’s also important to you then busting your guts all-day every-day for life means NOTHING.

Sweet dreams.



100 Naked Words

Psychology Graduate interested in Personality Disorders / ASD . I love Science and Science Fiction, but I get most excited when they meet.