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Lo Fo
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2017

I’ve not been able to write recently. I don’t mean that my hands have been incapable, just that when I sit down to write something, all that comes out is opinion. Poorly thought-out opinion or an uninteresting observation.

I want to write about heartache and love and longing, but those things are out of reach, somehow. I feel numb to it all. Content, but numb. I don’t want to argue something. I want to feel something.

Perhaps I’m just too conscious of others’ opinions of my writing and so I don’t want to try, for fear of criticism. I suppose that is the most perfect of times to push through and try.

Ok. I can do that. I’ll take that challenge.




Lo Fo
100 Naked Words

Vulnerability, empathy and connection are the foundations of a functioning society.