
post: nine

James Kenichi
100 Naked Words
2 min readSep 22, 2017


Although I have maintained a relatively regular writing routine, it has been awhile since I published any thoughts or stories.

My kids started school and soccer a couple weeks ago, work has picked up a bit, and I just started teaching an early morning (6:30–7:30am) religion class. I wake up everyday at 4:00am to exercise and get ready for the day, and then I am usually in the office by 8:30am, out around 5:30pm.

When I get home, my time is filled with family, which I am grateful for — dinner, getting the kids ready for bed, reading, then it’s lights out for the boys. By the time all that is done, I have about 30 to 60 minutes before I need to go to bed, and often times I have to log back on and work.

When I was five, all I wanted was more toys.

When I was ten, I wanted more football cards.

When I was sixteen, I wanted more freedom.

When I was twenty-two, I wanted was a little more money.

When I was twenty-seven, I wanted a new job.

Now, all I want is a little more time.

I am not sure why I am writing this, but I do know that writing feels good. I need to be creating to feel alive. Money, possessions, and status are fine, but I am always left wanting more. It is only in the act of creation, however imperfect that creation is, that I am left satisfied.

I guess it’s time to stop making excuses and make more time for creation :)

This is post nine of my daily writing journey on 100 Naked Words. View my previous posts here: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

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You can follow me on Twitter at @iamjameskenichi.

