Tips to survive the holidays

Dan O W
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2017
Pic courtesy of Annie Spratt:

Its Easter Sunday for those that celebrate Eater this way. Happy Easter to all. For those that don’t celebrate Easter this way or celebrate in a different way, then happy holiday to you too.

It’s easy to get carried away and holidays become stress. Shopping, gifting, getting everyone ready and out the door to a family lunch you need to grit your teeth to get through.

So over many years of teeth gritting, I have developed a checklist to get through the day:

1. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go. In fact, make it a game if you can. My kids are sitting dressed downstairs and ready even though we don’t need to leave the house for another hour. The “who can get dressed first” game really worked today!

2. Stop stressing about all the little details. So you don’t buy as many Easter eggs as you wanted. So you bought the supermarket brand instead of Cadbury. Who cares, at least there are eggs!

3. Accept you will be dragged into conversations you don’t want. Plan a get-away strategy in advance. I make sure I see someone across the room and as things go south, I say “Excuse me for a minute, I haven’t had a chance to say hi to XX” and I head off. Or the old “I really should help XX in the kitchen” works a trick. Nobody ever says no to a willing volunteer!

Over all, have fun and remember this is a day off work. Love those around you, even if they drive you crazy as they’re usually coming from a good place.

Gratitude = fun.




Dan O W
100 Naked Words

Mother, adventurer, business woman, writer (maybe?), is there a limit to what we can be?!?!