Too Busy To Waste Time

Kim Smyth
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2016

I started off on the wrong foot today, lingering in bed with my hubby, sipping coffee and watching a movie-I should have been up hours earlier to get started on what should have been a busy day of writing. It was my way of showing him that I cared enough to also spend time with him, sacrificing an hour or two on something silly.

Then he insisted we go get breakfast, which then morphed into several trips to various stores where we wandered aimlessly, me wondering what the prupose of the trip even was. All I ould think was, I could be-should be, writing! I have many words to pen by month’s end to make my word count, and I guess he just doesn’t understand how important it is to me. NaNoWriMo is an exercise in writing that I want to conquer, to prove to myself I have what it takes. I’m 20,000 short of that goal, and time is running out.

We have a kitchen that needs to be finished, a pool cover that needs to be ordered, Christmas decorations to put up and I’m sure I could think of ten other things that need to be done, yet we are wandering around wasting time. Some days, I don’t mind, just to spend time together. Other days, like today, when I have a goal in mind, it kind of irritates me. What was the purpose?

Finally, we went somewhere and got at least one thing accomplished, we bought our new granddaughter some clothes, and bottles to go in the baby blanket I finally finished the other night. It’s cold where they live and we wanted to make sure we sent her something useful. Now, here it is, after two in the afternoon, and I’m just getting started.

I didn’t want to be rude and just say, “I should have stayed home, so I could get my work done” because I know he just wants to spend time with me. Still, I wish he understood that this isn’t wasting time to me, that it all serves to further me as a writer. No, I haven’t made any money at it yet, but if I don’t put the work in, get my self imposed assignments done, how am I to grow and get better? Someday, maybe he’ll get the point, when I realize my dream and the checks start rolling in. Then again, I could be spinning my own wheels…but I hope not.



Kim Smyth
100 Naked Words

Freelance writer/blogger, editor-creator of Twisted Trunk Travels-my new travel blog.