Two Glasses of Wine

Angelina Bruno
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2016

I had a glass of wine in each hand. Well actually, two plastic cups full of sauvignon blanc. For a spirit served at a free outdoor concert, it was pretty good.

I chugged the first at my friend’s behest. She needed me to catch up to her and our other companion in the space of one song. Dr. Dog was playing. I had only listened to a couple of their songs back in high school because a crush had sent me a playlist but I knew I liked them.

It’s not dancing music per se. At the beginning of the show there was a lot of awkward swaying. The energy changed as the set swelled and the sky darkened. Or maybe I was finally just as drunk as everyone else.

I wasn’t high but I did feel extremely alive dancing barefoot on a picnic blanket. It was beautiful, we were all beautiful — and we made sure to let each other know.

