100 Naked Words — Day 42


Reflections, Ripples and Ramblings of a Restless Mind

Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words


Photo Credit — Me! Lido di Camaiore, Tuscany

You sit, my dear, unknowing and unknown. All the while there are eyes upon you.

It is not enough to say they observe, for their gaze penetrates, hungry and unrelenting. No, this is no casual voyeur, there is intent there, there is purpose.

They follow your movements with almost predatory focus, as a savanna feline might track a buck on the plains.

As the prey was born to be taken down, it is inevitable that you will succumb.

Inevitable that you too will fall.

And like the buck, in those dying throes, you will find your ecstacy.

But for now, the watcher watches; as you sit unknowing, and unknown.

About me: Citizen of the World. I love writing, photography, travelling, reading, learning and growing. Medium is another journey in my life, let’s see what sights we may see. Sign up below for more of my Musings.

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Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer