100 Naked Words — Day 93


Reflections, Ripples and Ramblings of a Restless Mind

Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words


Photo Credit — Me! Lido di Camaiore, Tuscany

Waiting, my eyes on the empty plains ahead of me, my thoughts elsewhere.

The chatter of the rangers breaking the silence, the only other sound the breeze rushing through the long grass.

The heat is relentless, the sun glaring down, daring life to even attempt to move.

For my part, I couldn’t begin to contemplate leaving the cool respite of the shade.

Waiting, the skies bereft of clouds, the hum of the approaching twin prop growing as it neared, hopping from strip to strip picking up passengers.

Waiting, not wanting to leave this beauty behind, not wanting to return to the every day.

To where the words don’t flow as freely, where inspiration is as fleeting as the pace of life.


About me: Citizen of the World. I love writing, photography, travelling, reading, learning and growing. Medium is another journey in my life, let’s see what sights we may see.



Aarish Shah
100 Naked Words

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer